iWave Research Integration for Advancement
  • 23 Nov 2023
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iWave Research Integration for Advancement

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Article summary

Technolutions has partnered with iWave to quickly import screened prospect and donor data into Slate. The method to screen records involves two processes:

  • Exporting data from Slate and uploading to iWave

  • Exporting screened records from iWave and uploading to Slate

All of the elements needed for a seamless integration with iWave are in the Research Library. Adding the iWave source from the library brings the following items to your database:

  • The iWave research source

  • The data keys needed for the iWave source

  • The prompts associated with certain data keys

  • A screening query, formatted to iWave specifications, that can be exported as a comma-separated value (CSV) file

  • A Source Format to automatically consume the return file from iWave

Once the iWave item has been added from the library, perform the procedures provided below to identify and screen records.

 Best Practice - The source format added for iWave behaves like all other source formats in Slate. Be sure to set the Remap Active setting to Active prior to uploading a file using the source format. Refer to the Source Formats section of the Knowledge Base for additional details on configuring source formats.


📺 Video Overview

Run the iWave Screening Query

The iWave screening query contains the 36 export values necessary for a screening to take place within iWave. These exports have been arranged and formatted to specifically comply with the standards needed for a file to be consumed within iWave. 

By default, the query contains filters that include the required data points needed to screen the record. This includes the existence of a permanent or mailing address, first name, and last or maiden name.

Other filter criteria can be added as desired. For example, a more targeted query might filter for records that include the following:

  • A gift has been made within the previous X fiscal years

  • No screening has been performed within the previous X number of years

  • Has an upcoming homecoming event registration

  • Has not been recently created

Once the filter criteria have been set, return to the main query page and select Run to Browser to perform the query and download the file to your local computer.  

Upload the CSV file to iWave

Detailed instructions on how to upload and screen the CSV file generated from the screening query can be found within the iWave Knowledge Base

If using the standard screening query, you may begin on step two of the guide: creating a new screening project and uploading the file. 

Download the Screened iWave File

Within iWave, the screening process notifies users of the overall progress.

Once processing is complete, users can see a list of submitted screening projects within the Screening section of the platform. In this view, users may select a project and select Export Project to download a CSV of the results. This file can be consumed by Slate using the standard iWave Source Format. 

iWave Export Project

 community_help.png Looking for a Screening Tutorial? - Visit the iWave knowledge base to watch a video on how to use the screening features on the new iWave platform.

Upload the iWave CSV file to Slate

To bring the screened file into Slate:

  1. Go to the Upload Dataset section of the Database.

  2. Select Upload Dataset.

  3. Complete the following:

    • File Format: Select iWave Wealth Screening (CSV).

    • Folder: Place the file in an appropriate folder, such as an iWave folder.

    • Upload: Select Add Files or drag the screened iWave file to the uploader.

  4. Select Upload.

Once uploaded, the screened records are in a "pending import" status. When the process is complete (typically within 20 minutes), the records included in the file are appended with the appropriate iWave research data. 

Should adjustments to the importing of the research values be desired, the source format may be re-mapped.

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