Material Metadata
  • 13 Nov 2023
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Material Metadata

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Article summary

The material metadata setting for materials enables associating a form with a material, and this form can collect information related or not related to the material. This process is useful when processing and performing data entry on incoming documents. This article provides information for creating a material-scoped form.

Configuring Material Metadata

Creating Material-Scoped Fields

  1. Click Database on the Slate navigation bar and under the Records and Datasets area, select Fields.

  2. Click New Field. A New Field popup appears.

  3. Change Scope Category to Related.

  4. Change Scope to Material.

  5. Provide appropriate values for ID and Name.

  6. Select an existing folder for Folder, or create a new folder by selecting Other and entering a new folder name. Organizing your Slate fields through folders is strongly recommended.

  7. If desired, select an existing value for Category, or create a new category by selecting Other and entering the new category name.

  8. Click Save.

New Material Field

Creating a Material-Scoped Form

  1. Click Forms on the Slate navigation bar.

  2. Create a new form as you would any other form.

  3. Edit the Form and click Edit Properties. An Edit Properties popup appears.

  4. Change Scope to Material. The remaining properties automatically update to reflect a material-scoped form.

  5. Modify the additional settings as desired.

Edit Form Properties


Person-scoped and application-scoped fields can be mapped on a material metadata form. You can only affect application-scoped fields if the material is associated with an application.

Associating the Material-Scoped Form to a Material

  1. Click Database on the Slate navigation bar and under the Records and Datasets area, select Materials.

  2. Locate the desired material and select it (or click Edit for that material). An Edit Record in Materials popup appears.

  3. For Material Metadata, select the form that was previously created.

Edit Record Popup

Click here for a list of all settings and their descriptions.

Interacting with the Form

Material metadata can be engaged both manually and through the batch acquire tool. In the batch acquire tool, Slate shows the material metadata form when the corresponding material is selected.

When viewing the material from the Materials tab of a record, the material metadata can be found on the Metadata tab. Selecting Edit from this view opens the material metadata form in the batch acquire interface for editing as desired.

Accessing Material Metadata from the Reader

When some aspect of material processing needs to take place within a workflow, it is possible to enable workflow bins to access material-scoped forms if material metadata is enabled.

  1. Click Database on the Slate navigation bar, and in the Reader and Decisions section, select Workflows. The Workflows page appears.
    Workflows Link

  2. Select the desired workflow. The summary page for that workflow appears.

  3. With the Bins tab selected, click the desired bin where material metadata should be added or edited. a View Bin popup appears.
    Bin Select

  4. Click Edit. An Edit Bin popup appears.
    Edit Bin Button

  5. Select the Read Settings tab.

  6. Change the Processing value to Allow materials processing.

  7. Click Save. Within the selected bin, any queued materials will now appear in the reader with "(editable)" next to the material type on the banner above them.
    Allow Materials Processing

    To edit the material, double-click the desired material (in the selected bin) to be edited. Then double-click the material type (editable) text above the material. The batch acquire apparatus appears.

    It is possible to reassign the associated record under Assign To, and the related record under Material. When a material-scoped form has been associated with the material type, that form will populate and material metadata can be entered or edited.

    Click Save when reclassification and edits are complete. The material-scoped form and the metadata entered here will update records and related records.

    edit the associated record

  Try a Slate Example

Use Suitcase to import our ready-made example.

Suitcase ID

Suitcase ID: e40235d5-0fcb-4dc5-90b4-b66d05473c30:slate-examples

When importing a material-scoped form with Suitcase, remember to:

  1. Click Database on the Slate navigation bar.

  2. In the Records and Datasets area, select Materials.

  3. Locate the desired material and click to edit the material record.

  4. Select the new metadata from the Material Metadata list.

  5. Click Save.


Make sure that, beyond being associated with the correct person record, the correct application or related record is selected under Material. School-scoped fields can be mapped on a material-scoped form that is associated with a school-scoped material metadata. When accessing the material metadata form through the batch acquire sidebar, selecting a school record from the material setting means that those school-scoped fields will be updated as soon as the form is submitted. GPA can be assigned and calculated here without the aid of a reader review form. Different transcript material types can use different material-scoped forms as well, to capture different GPA metrics and calculations.

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