Organization Contacts Custom Dataset Row Query
  • 09 Nov 2023
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Organization Contacts Custom Dataset Row Query

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Article summary

This article describes the function of the listed Organizations Contacts on the Organization Dashboard and provides the procedure to replace the standard list with a custom Organization Contacts list.

Comparing the Standard and Custom Embedded Dataset Row Queries

The Slate-delivered Organization dataset record is pre-loaded with a standard contacts section to display the related records from the Organization Contacts dataset.


To display additional data in the contacts section of the Organization record, you can create a custom embedded dataset row query to replace the standard contacts section.

The following example shows an Organization record after creating and replacing the standard contacts list for an embedded dataset row query.

Custom Contacts

Key differences between the standard organization contact list and a custom embedded dataset row query are outlined below:



New Record link included

A Custom New Record link must be created and displayed on a custom Organization Dashboard.

Primary contact designated by a star icon

No primary contact icon has been designated; a custom field will need to be created for this information. You can export this field in the query

Dynamic sorting on organization record by clicking on column headers

No dynamic sorting; the list can be sorted in the Query Builder

No search function

Search function available

Clicking on contact goes directly to organization's contact record

Clicking on contact displays a preview of query information. Click 'Lookup Record' link to access organization's contact record

Cannot customize data displayed 

Ability to customize data displayed

Creating a Dataset Row Query

  1. Select Queries / Reports on the top navigation bar and select Queries.

  2. Select New Query and give the query a Name.

  3. Under Sharing, select Share query with other users with the query and query base permissions.

  4. Under Folder, select Other. In the text box that appears, enter "System." Select Other for the subfolder, and enter Tab.

  5. Select Configurable Joins as the Type.

  6. Select Organization Contacts as the query Base.

  7. Select Save.


Need help finding the option to select a subfolder?

Follow the exact directions of Step 4 even if the System folder already exists.
Selecting the existing System folder from the select list will not display the subfolder list since the System folder does not normally allow subfolders. Selecting "Other" as the main folder and manually typing "System" will bypass this built-in protection.

After saving the new query and viewing the Edit Query, the following warning message may appear:

The selected folder does not support subfolders. The subfolder currently set will be removed upon saving and may result in the unintended activation of this resource, so you may want to change the folder if desired.

You may safely disregard this message for this task.


A parameter is used to pass the unique ID of the Organization record currently being viewed to the embedded query. This limits the query results to only those related to the selected record.

To add a parameter:

  1. From the Edit Query page, select Edit Web Service and enter the following in the Parameters field:

    <param id="record" type="uniqueidentifier" />
  2. Select Save.


Add a join from Organization Contacts to Organizations. If the email address and phone number will be included in the query and Organization Contact email addresses and phone numbers are stored in the device table, add two joins from Organization Contacts to Device by Type, Rank for the rank 1 email address and the rank 1 primary phone.


Rename the joins to the Device table so you can tell which export is for the email address and which is for the phone number.


Add exports to the query to denote the columns displayed on the embedded query. While any number of exports can be added as needed, there is a limit to the space that a dataset record can occupy on a computer screen and, thus, a limit to the space that a query can occupy on the record.


Remember, it is not possible to designate the primary contact with a star icon in a Custom Dataset Row Query. The Primary Contact export must be added as an export.


A filter is required to limit the query results to only the Organization Contacts records associated with the Organization record currently being viewed. This requires a filter with the @record parameter:

  1. Add a filter.

  2. Select the GUID filter under the Organizations filter block.

  3. Insert the @record parameter into the GUID field. The filter should look like the following example:

  4. Select Save.


Additional filters may be added to the query to further limit the Organization Contact records listed in the embedded dataset row query.

Associating the Query with the Dataset Record

The final step is to create a new custom field that allows the query to be associated with the Organizations dataset.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar.

  2. Select Fields.

  3. Insert a new field with the following settings:

    • Dataset: Select the Organizations dataset

    • ID: Provide a unique field ID (do not use the org_contact key)

    • Name: Include an administrative-friendly and descriptive name (such as "Contacts"), since the name will also appear as the title of the table.

    • Go to the list of settings to Data Type and set it to Dataset Row Query. Then return to the Tab setting and select Dashboard.

    • Value: Set to Store Value.

    • Query: Select the desired query saved in the System / Tab folder.

  4. Select Save.


If there are other Embedded Dataset Row Queries on the Organization Record, add an order in the field settings to control the order in which the queries are displayed. The default order will be alphabetical by name.

Removing the Standard Contact List from the Dashboard

To ensure that both the standard contact list and the custom contact list are not displayed simultaneously, the Contacts field will need to be removed from the dashboard.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar.

  2. Select Fields.

  3. Locate the Organizations scoped field with the name of Contacts and key of org_contact.

  4. Remove the Tab setting of Dashboard.

  5. Select Save.



Do not inactivate this field. This field is the related dataset row field that links Organization records to Organization Contact records.

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