Organization Contacts Display Name Rule
  • 08 Nov 2023
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Organization Contacts Display Name Rule

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Article summary

When collecting the first and last names of an organization contact through a form, the first name and last name fields display in the corresponding fields on the record's Details tab. A separate field called "display name" will display the title of the record. However, this field is not automatically populated by combining the first name and last name fields. Instead, a value must be added to this field which can be done automatically via the Rules Editor

Display Name Functionality

If a display name is not created, the section above the record dashboard will be blank and will make it difficult to search for or identify the record in Slate. It is a best practice to create a display name for each organization contact.

Blank Display Name

To automatically populate the display name of a record, create a display name rule. For example, values in the first name and last name fields can be concatenated to create the value of the display name. The section above the record dashboard would then appear as in the following example:

Display Name

Display Name Rule

To create the display name rule for an organization contact record, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Select New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations:

    • Name: Give the rule a name (such as "Organization Contacts Display Name").

    • Base: Set to Organization Contacts.

    • Type: Set to Name.

    • Folder: Place the rule in a folder to keep organization contact rules organized.

    • Exclusivity Group: Place the rule in an exclusivity group. It is likely that only one display name rule will be necessary for a dataset like organization contacts. This means that the priority may be set to 1, and that it will likely be the only rule in this exclusivity group.

    • Non-deterministic: Set to Rule is deterministic and has an exclusive priority.

    • Priority: Enter "1" in this field.

    • Status: The rule can be set to either Inactive or Preview.

  4. After saving the rule, add any necessary filters to the rule. If every organization contact should be affected by this rule, no filters need to be added.

  5. Under the Action section of the rule, enter the following configurations:

    • Action: Select Replace Values from Formula. Add the desired exports. To concatenate first and last name, add the exports for first name and last name. Be sure to rename these exports to computer-friendly terms such as "first" and "last."

    • Formula: This should resemble the following example:

    isnull(@first + ' ', '') + isnull(@last, '')
  6. Save the rule. Once the rule has been tested, select Edit in the upper-right corner of the page, set the rule status to Active, and select Save.

Retroactive Refresh

If organization contact records already exist in the database, a Retroactive Refresh should be performed. To do this, perform these steps:

  1. Select New Query from the new display name rule. Make sure at least one export is added, and select Run Query.

  2. From the query output, select Retroactive Refresh and Export. A confirmation appears.

  3. Select Submit then select OK.

Taking the action of a Retroactive Refresh will ensure that any organization contact records that meet the rule criteria will be queued to run through this rule and have their display name updated accordingly.

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