Origin Sources
  • 27 Nov 2023
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Origin Sources

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Article summary

Origin Sources record the actions taken by a student. The information is reflected on their record, and can be used to determine when the actions were taken. Use Origin Sources to determine how a record was created, when the prospective student first initiated contact with your institution, or when the prospective student visited campus for the first time. Origin Sources allow you to determine if and when specific conversion events occurred.

Slate calculates Origin Sources overnight for records that were updated the previous day. If any configuration changes are made to your Origin Sources, then the calculation will run for any records that were updated within the previous 365 days during the overnight process. For each Origin Group that you create, a record will be assigned both a first source and a last (most recent) source during the calculation.


The Origin Source calculation does not run in test environments, so be sure to configure your Origin Sources in your production environment.

Think about what types of conversion events will be helpful to calculate for your processes.  Do you want to determine if someone attended any on-campus events? Do you want to determine how a prospective student interacted with your institution for the first time?  This will dictate how you configure your Origin Groups and Origin Sources.

While it is possible to create more than one Origin Group, begin with just one so that you can get a feel for the data and perfect your process. The most commonly created Origin Group is First Source

Accessing Origin Sources

Origins appear in a section on the Dashboard tab of the student record, so you are able to see at a glance the first source and the date of its occurrence for each of the record's Origin Groups.

Multiple Origin filters are available in the Slate Template Library. Whether you are looking for records who have any source defined in the Origin Group, or if you are looking for records with a specific first or last source within the Origin Group, you are able to use filters to find records that meet this criteria.

Origin Source export groups, which include specific details about the first and last sources associated with each Origin Group, are also available in the Slate Template Library. You are able to include this information in data feeds to your own systems and external vendors. You are also able to use these data points as merge fields.

The Origin Source data can be used in Report Builder. You may wish to use these tools to determine the yield of your search lists, to determine how many stealth applicants you had, or even to determine if the inclusion within an Origin Group can help predict enrollment.

Items Eligible for Origin Source Calculation



Sources Considered

Origin Date

Items Considered with "All"

Event Template

Person-scoped event templates

Event registration for an event associated with the specified Event Template

Registration date

Registration for any person-scoped event

Event Folder

Event folders that contain person-scoped events

Event registration for an event within the specified folder

Registration date


Event Attended Template

Person-scoped event templates

Event registration with Attended status for an event associated with the specified Event Template

Event date

Any person-scoped event registration with the Attended status

Event Attended Folder

Event folders that contain person-scoped events

Event registration with Attended status for an event within the specified folder

Event date


Interview Template

Person-scoped interview templates

Interview registration for an interview associated with the specified Interview Template

Registration date

Registration for any person-scoped interview

Interview Folder

Interview folders that contain person-scoped interviews

Interview registration for an interview within the specified folder

Registration date


Interview Attended Template

Person-scoped interview templates

Interview registration with  Attended status for an interview associated with the specified Interview Template

Interview date

Any person-scoped interview registration with the  Attended status

Interview Attended Folder

Interview folders that contain person-scoped interviews

Interview registration with  Attended status for an interview within the specified folder

Interview date



Person-scoped forms

Form registration for the specified form

Registration date

Registration for any person-scoped form

Form Folder

Form folders that contain person-scoped forms

Form registration for a form within the specified folder

Registration date


Source Format

Source Formats

Inclusion in a source file associated with the specified Source Format

Upload date of source

Inclusion in a source file associated with any Source Format

Source Folder

Source folders (excluding source formats)

Inclusion in a source file within the specified folder

Upload date of source



Test types

Existence of a test score with the specified type, regardless of status

Test creation date

Existence of any test score

Application Creation


Creation of an application

Application creation date



Interaction codes

Existence of the specified interaction code or a child code of the specified interaction code

Interaction date

Existence of any interaction (including the SOURCE interaction)


Custom materials

Existence of the specified material on the person record

Material creation date

Existence of any material associated with the person record

Note: An Event is eligible for Origin Source calculations even if it, or the event template, is archived.

It is important to note that the Origin Source calculation will select the most specific item when there is a tie. A tie can occur if the same item meets the criteria for more than one Origin Source.  An example of this is if an Origin Source for a parent interaction code  Contact was configured, and an Origin Source for the child interaction code  Phone was also configured.  If the record has the  Phone interaction, then both Origin Sources will apply. Since the  Phone interaction is the specific code selected, this Origin Source, rather than the parent  Contact Origin Source will be assigned to the record. This behavior can be leveraged if most of your interactions associated with a particular parent code use the same export codes - simply create a single Origin Source for these, and then, if necessary, create additional Origin Sources for just the specific child codes that differ.

Another example of this behavior is the SOURCE interaction code. Since so many items create a SOURCE interaction for a record, including application creation, source imports, and form, event, or interview registrations, this interaction could result in a tie when calculating the Origin Source. If this interaction code is configured as an Origin Source (or if the  All Interactions option is configured), precedence is given first to Origin Sources that are more specific, such as an Event Template Origin Source or a Source Format Origin Source. 

Example 1:  

The  SOURCE interaction code and Campus Visit event template are both configured as Origin Sources. The record has an event registration associated with the Campus Visit template.  While the  SOURCE interaction code and event registration both have the same timestamp, the campus visit registration is the more specific item, so the record will be assigned the Campus Visit event template Origin Source.

Example 2:

The  SOURCE interaction code and Campus Visit event template are both configured as the only two Origin Sources. The record has an event registration associated with the Group Information Session event template. The  SOURCE interaction

Leveraging the Source Types


When to use

Form Folder vs Form

Use the Form Folder source type as a shortcut if all or most of the forms that are organized within a single folder will have the same Origin Source configurations. If necessary, use the  Form source type to override one or some of the forms within a folder if there are a few forms that need different configurations.

Organize your forms into logical folders. Not only will this allow you to effectively use the  Form Folder source type, it also makes the Form Builder easier to navigate. For example, if you have different inquiry forms for different student types or campuses, consider keeping them in a single  Inquiry Forms folder.

Event Folder/Interview Folder vs. Event Template/Interview Template

Use the  Event Template and  Interview Template source types to capture registration for specific templates, regardless of the folder.

Events and interviews associated with different templates are often organized into a single folder when they are similar. For example, if all of your travel events (e.g., High School Visits and College Fairs) are grouped into a single folder, you may wish to include this travel folder as a single Origin Source.

You are also able to assign events and interviews to a folder regardless of the template, which means that the Event Folder and Interview Folder source types allow you to include events in a specific folder while not including events or interviews associated with the same template that are saved in a different folder.

Strategize your event and interview folders. Not only are folders used to group events and interviews together when they are viewed administratively, these are also used to determine the specific event and interview instances to display on Event Landing Pages and within Related Events.

Attended Template/Folder vs Template/Folder

Use the  Event Attended TemplateEvent Attended Folder, Interview Attended Template, and  Interview Attended Folder source types to capture attendance for events or interviews.

Other than only considering registrations that have a status of  Attended, these source types use the date of the event or interview, rather than the registration date, within the Origin Source calculation.

Since registration is one step of an event/interview, and attendance typically happens at a later time, these two types of Origin Sources can be used together.  Since registration typically occurs before the date of the event/interview, if the same folders or templates are selected for both types, the attendance would never be a  first source, but it could be a  last source.

For example, if someone submits a registration form on January 1 for a campus visit that occurs on February 16, the form registration on January 1 might become the  last source for this particular Origin Group. On February 16, the registrant attended the campus visit. Now, the February 16 visit would become the  last source for the Origin Group.

The  Attended types can also be used within a separate Origin Group to determine who stepped foot on campus and when the first and last visits occurred.

Source Format vs. Source Folder

All recurring imports should be configured as a source format, even if the recurrence is infrequent. Not only will this allow you to effectively use the Source Format source type, it also streamlines the import process because your mappings will be saved, obviating the need to repeat the remap process for each import. It also will allow you to run a Retroactive Refresh if any mappings need to be updated. 

Since the  Source Folder source type excludes any sources associated with a source format, this source type should be used sparingly, and only with sources that are truly a one-time import.

Test vs Source Format

Score Data File source formats can be configured as Origin Sources if you want to specifically capture only  verified test scores as an Origin Source.

The  Test source type checks for the existence of the test score, regardless of the status.

Application Creation

The Application Creation source type is often used to find  stealth applicants.


If the majority of the interaction codes associated with a parent code will have the same Origin Source configurations, select the parent code as the source. If you need to override one or a few of the interactions, just add those child interactions separately, since the calculation will use the most specific origin source in the case of a tie. This will save you the steps of adding multiple Origin Sources with the same information.

Likewise, if an Origin Source is created for  All Interactions, then any interaction code will meet this criteria.  If the parent interaction code  Contact has two child codes:  Phone and  Email, then the most specific Origin Source will win the tie, as demonstrated here:

Example 1:

All Interactions and  Contact are both configured as Origin Sources. The record has the  Phone interaction code. Since  Contact is the parent code, the record will be assigned the  Contact Origin Source.

Example 2:

All InteractionsContact, and  Phone are all configured as Origin Sources. The record has the  Phone interaction code. Since  Phone is the specific interaction code on the record, the  Phone Origin Source will be assigned.

Example 3:

All Interactions, Contact, and  Phone are all configured as Origin Sources. The record has the  Email interaction code. Since  Contact is the parent code, the record will be assigned the  Contact Origin Source.

Because of this behavior, the  All Interactions source type can be used to include any interaction code, but you are able to control specific interaction codes or parent codes with more granularity, if necessary.

Organize your interactions using parent codes. This will allow you to use the parent code to configure Origin Sources as a shortcut, and it will also make your list of interaction codes much more manageable, whether you are adding an interaction on the Timeline tab of a student record, using Interaction Management, or importing interactions. 


Use the  Material source type to configure an Origin Source for custom material types. Select  All Materials if you want to capture any Folio material as an Origin Source, and all or most of your material types will have the same configurations. Add Origin Sources for specific material types to override the configurations for those materials.

Note: When configuring Origin Sources for items in specific folders, remember that selecting the parent folder does not include content in sub folders. Create separate Origin Sources for each sub folder within the parent folder. This provides additional granularity when building your Origin Sources.

Creating an Origin Group

Use Origin Groups in Database to create a new Origin Group. The Origin Group must be created before configuring Origin Sources.

  1. Click Database on the navigation bar.

  2. In the Automations group, click Origin Groups. The Origin Groups page appears.

  3. Click Insert.

  4. Enter the desired Folder for the Origin Group, or select Other and enter a new folder name.

  5. Enter a descriptive name for the Origin Group in the Name field (additional configurations will be accomplished in Origin Sources).

  6. Click Save.

Creating an Origin Source

  1. Click Database on the navigation bar.

  2. In the Automations group, click Origin Sources. The Origin Sources page appears.

  3. Click Insert.

  4. Enter the following Origin Source configurations:

    • Status: Set to Active (you can inactivate
      Origin Sources to remove them from the calculation).

    • Summary: Give your Origin Source a descriptive name.

    • Origin Group: Select the Origin Group for this Origin Source.

    • Source Type: Select the Source Type - see above for details about the options.

    • Source: Select the specific item for the Origin Source - see above for more details.

    • Source Folder: Select the specific folder for the Origin Source - see above for more details.

    • Category: The category allows you to configure groupings among your Origin Sources.  These groupings can be used for filtering, and they can also be exported.

    • Export Value: Configure up to five export values for an Origin Source. Export values can be used in exports to external systems, including your SIS.

  5. Click Save.

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