Pledge Mapping Destinations for Advancement
  • 09 Nov 2023
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Pledge Mapping Destinations for Advancement

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Article summary

This category of mapping destinations shares many of the same destinations as the Gift destinations. The destinations unique to pledges are:

Pledge Mapping Destinations


Pledge - Installment: Date Override

By default, the start date of the installments will be the date of the pledge.  Mapping to this destination overrides this start date.

Pledge - Installment: Date Override (day only)

If the file separates the month, day, and year that the pledge installments should begin, the (date only), (month only), and (year only) destinations allow the override of the installment start date.

Pledge - Installment: Date Override (month only)

Same as above.

Pledge - Installment: Date Override (year only)

Same as above.

Pledge - Installment: Months Between Installments

Map this destination to specify the number of months between each installment. This value should be an integer (e.g., 2 = two months between installments). This is required to create pledge installments.

Pledge - Installment: Number of Installments

Map this destination to specify the number of installments that should be created. This value should be an integer (e.g., 5 = a total of five installments). This is required to create pledge installments.

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