Reader Tab Groups (Legacy)
  • 17 Jun 2024
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Reader Tab Groups (Legacy)

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The procedures described in this article follow a legacy process. Follow the procedures described in the Workflows article when creating tabs within workflows. Workflows created using the legacy process cannot be managed using the Workflows tool and vice versa.

Article summary

Reader Tab Groups (tabs) organize application materials within the Reader. When a tab is selected, the associated materials will appear in the Reader.

For example:


Configuring the items that display in the Reader is a two step process:

  1. Create Reader Tab Groups.

  2. Define the precise materials that appear within each Reader Tab Group.

Make a Reader Tab Group

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Reader Tab Groups.

  2. Click Insert.

  3. Enter the following user configurations in the popup window:

    • Status - Set the status to Active to enable the tab.  An Inactive tab will not display.

    • Type - Select Materials at this time. See below to learn more about Type options.

    • Name - Description of setting.

    • Memo - This setting is optional. Descriptions may be provided here. 

    • Order - This order will determine the order in which the tab will appear (Remember to leave gaps in the order to simplify Reader Tab Group creation in the future. Example: 10, 20, 30).

    • Custom Read PermissionThis setting will restrict the ability to view particular tabs by setting a custom permission. If left blank, anyone with the ability to view the application within the selected base will be able to see this tab ( Do not get distracted with creating custom permissions when building the tabs. Adding filters to tabs will often achieve the desired functionality. If permissions are required, wait until all tabs and materials have been created prior to adding permissions).

    • New Material Highlighting - This setting is for Reader tabs only.  

      • Enable new material highlighting will change the tab name font to green to show that a new material was associated with an application record after the current reader began to read the application.  For example, if John began to read an application on Monday morning, and a new transcript was received on Monday afternoon, the next time John opens that application in the Reader, the tab that contains the transcript will have green letters to indicate the new item.

      • Disable new material highlighting will always show the tab names in a black font.

    • Color (Optional) - When configured, the tab will have a color added to the side.  This is typically used to help differentiate certain tabs.

    • Workflow - If you wish to place this Reader Tab Group into a workflow, choose it here.

    • Base - Select any Reader-enabled Applications base (for Reader / Application PDF downloads) or folio-enabled Prospects base (for Folio Viewer).

    • Filters - This setting is optional and applies only to Reader tabs. Once a base has been selected, filters may be added to restrict which population should have this tab.  For example, if a tab should only appear for applications within a certain bin, use the Current Bin filter to restrict the tab. 

Read Group Types

Reader Types

Reader Types



Show items in the Reader that will be configured in Reader Tab Materials.


Display contents of an external website in the Reader.

A typical use case is a link to a non-Slate video essay.

The link should contain a merge field with a URL that is unique to the applicant: {{field_id}}


Display Slate portfolio items in the Reader.

Video Essay/Interview

Display a Slate video essay/video interview in the Reader.

PDF Download Types

PDF Download Types


Applicant PDF Download

Customize the materials included in the application
proof available to applicants on the status page
and the Slate-hosted application Review page.

Admin PDF Download

Customize the materials included when an
application is administratively downloaded.

Insert Reader Tab Group Settings




Set the status to Active to enable the tab.  An Inactive tab will not display.


Reader Tab Groups can be configured to display certain types of items within the Reader, or they can be configured to be used for PDF Downloads:

Reader Tab Types:

  • Materials - Show items in the Reader that can be configured using Reader Tab Materials.

  • Link - Display contents of an external website in the Reader.

  • Portfolio - Display Slate portfolio items in the Reader.

  • Video Essay/Interview - Display a Slate video essay/video interview in the Reader.

PDF Download Types:

  • Applicant PDF Download - Customize the materials included in the application proof available to applicants on the Status page and the Slate-hosted application Review page.

  • Admin PDF Download - Customize the materials available for administrative downloads of the application.


This setting is used for the Link type.  This setting is typically configured as a merge field containing the unique URL for the applicant.  For example, if you use an external vendor for video interviews, the URL might be configured as {{video_essay}} where video_essay is the ID of the field that stores the URL.


This is the display name for the tab.


This setting is optional.  You may provide description information here.


This order will determine the order in which your tabs will appear.

Custom Read Permission

You are able to restrict the ability to view particular tabs by setting a custom permission. If you leave this blank, then anyone with the ability to view the application within the selected base will be able to see this tab.

New Material Highlighting

This setting is for Reader Tabs only.  

  • Enable new material highlighting will change the tab name font to Green to show that a new material was associated with an application record after the current reader began to read the application.  For example, if John began to read an application on Monday morning, and a new transcript was received on Monday afternoon, the next time John opens that application in the Reader, the tab that contains the transcript will have green letters to indicate the new item.

  • Disable new material highlighting will always show the tab names in a black font. 

Color (optional)

When configured, the tab will have a color added to the side.  This is typically used to help differentiate certain tabs.  Possible colors include any hex color (e.g., #00669E), or any standard web color: aqua; black;  blue;  fuchsia;  gray;  green;  lime;  maroon;  navy;  olive;  orange;  purple;  red;  silver;  teal;  white;  yellow.


Select any Reader-enabled Applications base (for Reader / Application PDF downloads) or Folio-enabled Prospects base (for Folio Viewer).

Filters - This setting is optional and applies only to Reader Tabs. Once you select a Base, you are able to add filters to restrict which population should have this tab.  For example, if a tab should only appear for applications within a certain bin, use the Current Bin filter to restrict the tab.  



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