  • 17 Jun 2024
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Article summary

There are three ways in which to think of Permissions:

  • User Permissions - What can a user do?

  • Realms - Which objects can it be done to?

  • Population Permissions - To whom can it be done?

While standard User Permissions grant access to a given function within Slate; Realms allow for more targeted restrictions of functional access to only objects contained within the Realm.

For example, if a user has access to manage their own deliver campaigns but only for their one department, with the 'Edit All Mailings' permission, a user could see all mailings universally.  By placing a departmental mailing into a Realm, the user will have the access they need to edit just the mailings within their department, without seeing or affecting mailings in other Realms.

Queries can be put into Realms to allow compartmentalization of who can build, run, and edit without affecting queries in other Realms. What a user can do is still controlled by a User Permission, but Realms allow their impact to be limited to only appropriate objects.

Similarly, Forms/Events/Scheduler slots can be put into Realms to further define who can access, build, or edit these types of forms and events without affecting resources in other Realms.

📝 Note

Objects that are not assigned to a realm will continue to be visible to all users. Whenever possible, assign all objects to a Realm to avoid confusion.

Realm Settings




Set the status to 'Active' for Realms that are currently being used. 


Give the Realm a name.  This name will only be visible administratively.  The name may be changed if necessary, even if objects already exists for the Realm. 

Export Key

An export key can be set to be used for exporting to external systems.

Create Realms

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Security Dashboard.

  2. Select Realms in the right hand navigation under Roles & Permissions.

  3. Click New Realm.

  4. Enter the following Realm configurations in the popup window:

    • Name - Give the Realm a name.

    • Export Key - Export values can be used in exports to external systems, including an SIS.


Realm names should not contain special characters such as ampersands (&), apostrophes ('), quotation marks (") or slashes (/).

Grant Access to Realms

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Security Dashboard.

  2. Select Active Users in the right hand navigation.

  3. Select the appropriate User and click Edit User.

  4. Click the Realms tab.

  5. Click Insert Realm.

  6. Select the appropriate Realm from the dropdown menu.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Repeat steps 1-7 to add additional Realms.

Access All Realms as an Admin

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Security Dashboard.

  2. Select Active Users in the right hand navigation.

  3. Select the appropriate User and click Edit User.

  4. Click Roles.

  5. Grant the All Realms exclusive permission.

It is possible that an administrator will have administrator level access but only for specific realms. Consequently, an administrator will need to either select the specific realms that a user, even an administrator, should have. Or select the 'All Realms' exclusive permission.

If it is not necessary to have access to all realms as an administrator, but should a user/administrator have access to specific realms, repeat the steps listed in the Grant Access to Realm(s) section.

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