Release Decisions
  • 02 Apr 2024
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Release Decisions

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Article summary

🛑 STOP! 🛑

Are you ready? Do not release decisions unless absolutely ready to do so. The process of releasing decisions immediately kicks off post-decision automation.

Releasing Decisions

In addition to confirming decisions and assigning letters in the Release Decisions module, you can also  schedule the date and time for decisions to be released.

To navigate to the Release stage of the Release Decisions tool:

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar

  2. Select Release Decisions, which brings you to the Overview stage.

  3. From the right-hand navigation, select  Release.


The default view will present all confirmed decisions (including those without assigned letters) in a table as shown in the preceding image. Create custom, user-specific views for the Release stage to filter results and add custom exports. If you're looking for a particular decision within a given view, use the Search bar to find it.

Why is my decision locked?

Decisions with one or more outstanding prerequisite decisions appear grayed out and locked. They cannot be released in batch until a prerequisite decision code is met. Learn more about prerequisites in the Decision Codes article. 


Decisions can be scheduled for release in batch or individually. To schedule decisions for release: 

  1. Select from the list the decisions you want to manage:

    • Select one decision at a time with Control-Click (Command-Click on a Mac).

    • Select a sequence of decisions at once by using Control-Click on the first decision and Control-Shift-Click (Command-Shift-Click on a Mac) on the last.

    • Choose the  Select All icon at the upper left if you want to manage all decisions at once.

    The Release Decisions icon appears.


  2. Select Release Decisions. The Release Decisions dialog box appears, displaying a sample population of up to five decisions to be released. 



  3. Below the sample records is the Release Date field. Enter a date and time in Eastern Time to set the release date for the decisions. Entering a date and time in the future will produce an estimated time until release. Entering a release date in the past will produce a warning that your decisions will be released immediately.


  4. (Optional) Set a date and time at which the decision will expire in the Expires Date field. 

  5. When you've configured your release time, select  Release and confirm your decision in the popup. If you enter a release date in the past, you will receive a warning that your decisions will be released immediately. You will be required to enter the text "RELEASE IMMEDIATELY" to confirm this action.


    Otherwise, you'll be prompted to select OK to confirm the scheduled release of your decision or decisions.


    Decisions with release dates in the future will appear in the Queued for Release stage. Decisions with release dates in the past day will appear in the Recently Released stage.

Releasing Multiple Batches of Decisions?

To save time and help prevent mistyped dates, your most recently saved release date and time within the past five minutes is used to pre-populate those fields in the Release Decisions batch management box.

Queued for Release

Decisions with a release date scheduled in the future appear in the Queued for Release view of the Release Decisions module. It is possible to view these decisions and also unschedule the release if changes need to be made in an emergency.



🔔 Important

Any actions taken by rules as a result of decisions being scheduled for release will not be undone if the release is unscheduled. Unreleasing decisions should only be used in an emergency.

Recently Released

Decisions that have been released within the past day appear in the Recently Released view. If the letter has been viewed by the applicant, that date and time appear in this view.


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