- 02 Apr 2024
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Release Decisions (Legacy)
- Updated 02 Apr 2024
- 1 minute read
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🛑 STOP!🛑 Are you ready? Do not release decisions unless absolutely ready to do so. The process of releasing decisions immediately kicks off post-decision automation.
Releasing Decisions
In addition to confirming decisions and assigning letters in the Release Decisions module, it is also possible to schedule the date and time for decisions to be released to Decision Groups. Select the Awaiting Release view and select the appropriate Decision Groups to release the decisions:
Decision Groups: Select the Decision Group for which decisions will be released.
Display: Select Display to view all of the applications within the Decision Group.
Displayed Applicants - Use the check boxes to select the decisions to release.
Assign - Assign the release date and time for the selected records. To ensure that decisions are released on the specific date and time, select the date and time (in Eastern Time) that decisions should be released.
Queued for Release
Decisions with a release date scheduled in the future appear in the Queued for Release view of the Release Decisions module. It is possible to view these decisions and also unschedule the release if changes need to be made in an emergency.
Select a Decision Group, and use the check boxes to select decisions that should be unreleased. Select the Unrelease to move the selected records back into the Awaiting Release view.
ImportantAny actions taken by rules as a result of decisions being scheduled for release will not be undone if the release is unscheduled. Unreleasing decisions should only be used in an emergency.