Replicate Blocks
  • 17 Jun 2024
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Replicate Blocks

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Article summary

By using section breaks to define a replicate block, the same field or grouping of fields can be repeated on a form. This replicate action allows for ordered data to be captured on a form.

Replicate blocks are best used on forms that do not allow registrants to save their form response and revisit the form at a later date.

Potential use cases include:

  • Collecting multiple school / school level combinations

    • Adding multiple interest / interest type combinations

    • Collecting multiple device values and their types

    • Collecting multiple academic interests or preferences in an ordered manner

Replicate blocks can be used on the following form scopes:

  • Person

    • Application

    • Dataset scoped forms

    • Person Page

    • Application Page

    • Dataset Page


Replicate box data will not be grouped together when viewing in an auto-mapped PDF in the Reader or upon application PDF download. A new custom-mapped PDF will need to be created to display replicate box data groupings.

Configuring the Replicate Block

To add a replicate block, start by editing the form:

  1. Click Edit Form.

  2. Determine which field or group of fields should reside within the replicate block. Note that form fields with the type of Calendar are not supported within replicate blocks. 

  3. Arrange these fields together on the form. Conditional logic may be used within the replicate block.

  4. Place Section Breaks around the field or group of fields.

  5. Edit the opening section break

  6. Enter the following configurations in the popup window:

    • Replicate- Select 'Replicate Block.'

    • Replicate Title - Insert a descriptive title.

    • Insert Label - This text will display as a hyperlink, allowing the addition of a new replicate.

    • Row Label - Enter a label that categorizes each grouping of fields (such as "Interest," "School," "Device," etc.). A number will be appended to this label, in increasing order, as additional replicates are added.

    • Row Limit - Set the maximum amount of replicates that can be added.

    • Row Minimum - Set the minimum amount of replicates that can be added. This should be set to at least 1. 

If the replicate block itself should conditionally display based on values entered in other form fields, filters may be added to the replicate block section break. Ensure that the Row Minimum is set to at least 1 in order to use conditional logic filters on a replicate block.

In the example below, the following values were entered and the "New Interest" link was clicked twice:

  • Replicate Title - "Add your areas of interest"

  • Insert Label - "New Interest"

  • Row Label - "Interest"

  • Row Minimum - "1"


Can I include multiple replicate blocks on a form?

Yes! Multiple replicate blocks can be configured using Section Breaks and added to the form.


Replicates are primarily designed for mapped ordered fields. Before adding fields to a replicate block, consider how the data should be structured and consumed within Slate.

Replicates on Custom Tabs

Replicates may be added to person, application, and dataset page-scoped forms for use on custom tabs. However, depending on how this data should display on the record, it may be more effective to use the replicate blocks outside of a custom tab and later display the data on the tab without using replicate blocks.

When determining whether to use replicate blocks on tabs, consider the following:

  • Loading the custom tab will not show the replicate block fields automatically. Editing the tab on the record will display the first replicate block with the data as it currently exists on the record.

  • When viewing and editing the replicate blocks on a custom tab, the Delete option is hidden for the first block. Deleting a replicate from a custom tab may not delete the values stored in the field on the record, since they may be stored in fields in other replicate blocks as well.

  • Should a replicate be deleted, the remaining replicates will re-order chronologically. For example, if Interest 2 is deleted in a group of three interests, Interest 3 will now become Interest 2.

Querying on Replicate Blocks

Slate generates the join, exports, and filters for a replicate block if the replicate block contains a value for the row label setting. To query on information in the replicate block from a form response query base:

  1. Add a subquery export or filter.

  2. Join to the replicate block. The join's name will be the same as the replicate block's row label setting.

  3. Add any desired exports, filters, sorts, or other settings.

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