Reports in Portals
  • 16 Nov 2023
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Reports in Portals

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Article summary

Reports can be embedded inside of any portal using the portal editor. For example, an athletic portal has typically been used as a reference for coaches to view details regarding prospective students (i.e., name, sport, position, rating, application status, etc.). In addition to these details, reports can be included on the portal to display metrics regarding the recruitment of prospective students to the respective sport. This can include charts, graphs, heat maps and any other report features.

Note that in order to feature a report in a portal, the report must exist be built within that portal's Reports section. Reports that exist in the Report Builder outside of the portal will not be accessible.

Build a Report within a Portal

Begin in the Portal configuration:

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Portals.

  2. Click Insert to build a new Portal or choose one that has already been created. 

  3. Click on New Report. This will bring you to the Report Builder.

Continue to build a report just as you would outside of a portal. Once the report is built, return to the portal configuration page. Add/build additional reports as desired.

Slate automatically saves these reports to a SYS: Portal folder.

Use Cases

By using reports in portals, independent analysis of specific data can be viewed by constituents.  It also provides a wide range of aggregate data regarding their assigned populations, whereas queries show lists of records with details. Therefore, up to the minute statistics are provided, rather than data that is frozen in time when sending a report. 

Parameters will allow for data to be viewed by particular users in Slate. As stated in the overview above, this is most widely used in sharing data with athletic departments; however, the groups listed below, in addition to others, can utilize the same functionality.

  • Volunteers: Allow volunteers to track details regarding the prospective student with which they have interacted and events to which they participated.

  • Alumni Interviewers: Allow alumni interviewers to track details regarding the prospective students with which they have interacted.

  • Gift Officer: Allow gift officers to view giving history and totals within particular portfolios.

Viewing the Report

Any user or record that has log-in access to the portal will be able to view the Report regardless of the Sharing Permissions on the report itself or their user account privileges (if they have a Slate user account).

On the portal itself, the report can still be conditionally displayed or hidden using filters on the report part within the portal view configuration. The ability to apply filters on the part within the portal is enabled for portals that require authentication (i.e. the security setting is not set to 'Anonymous/Guest'). 


It is recommended that anonymous/guest is not chosen when sensitive data is displayed.

The filters to conditionally show a report in a portal are also dependent on the portal's security setting. For example, if it is set to 'User', the filters available will be user-scoped or based (e.g. role, user ID, etc). If it is set to 'Dataset', the filters will be the filters available in your Slate database for that particular dataset.

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