Require Payment to Submit Application
  • 13 Mar 2024
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Require Payment to Submit Application

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Article summary

You can require that the application fee is either paid or waived at submission time by selecting Yes for the Require Payment option on a particular application round.


Enabling the Require Payment to Submit Application within an Application Round configuration has three primary effects:

  1. Changes the "Submit Application" button on the Review page to read "Finalize Application and Pay."

  2. After selecting Finalize Application and Pay, and until payment has been completed for an application, the Application Management page displays that application's status as "Awaiting Payment."

  3. After selecting Finalize Application and Pay, and until payment has been completed for an application, opening an application automatically takes the user to the Application Fee Payment page. Only until payment has been received or waived can the applicant proceed to the Application Status Portal.


There are some practical considerations to be made when enabling this functionality, since selecting Finalize Application and Pay immediately sets the application's submission date.

  • You can continue to configure Application Fee activity rules by using the Upon Application Submission Only trigger.

  • It is advisable to employ an Awaiting Payment application status rule to identify applicants who have finalized their application and who did not submit payment immediately.

  • If Application Waivers are offered, make a plan to address applicants paying the fee and discovering they were eligible for a waiver at a later time.

Role of the [application].[submitted_paid] Column

On the application table, there is a column called "submitted_paid" ([application].[submitted_paid]) that determines whether Slate should send applicants to the payment page or to the status page.

Slate populates this column when the applicant first accesses their status page, which can happen after they pay their fee, or if they did not owe a fee in the first place. It follows this logic:

  • If the column is populated, Slate routes the record to the status page

  • If the column is not populated, Slate routes the record to the payment page

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