Assigning Checklist Items
  • 14 Jun 2024
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Assigning Checklist Items

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Article summary

Checklist items are typically assigned by rules.

In one-off cases, you can also assign checklist items directly from an individual applicant’s record.

đź“– Required reading

Before building any checklist rules, review Getting Started with Checklists.

Checklist rules

Rules can assign checklist items in two ways:

  • In checklist groups (recommended)

  • As individual checklist items

Checklist groups (recommended)

Checklist group rules assign all checklist items in that group to the applicants who meet the rule criteria.

Only one rule needs to be written per checklist group for initial assignment.

Additional rules can be created to modify the statuses of items originally assigned within a group. For example, to mark an individual item as Waived or Received.

If an applicant ceases to meet the criteria for a checklist group, all items will be removed from their checklist the next time the rules run.

Individually-added checklist items

We recommend all application- or person-scoped checklist items be stored in groups, even if that group contains a single item.

Individually added checklist items remain on the checklist unless manually removed from the application record, or unless a rule is created to remove the checklist item.

The exception is school-scoped checklist items, which can only be assigned individually. These are covered in the next section of this article.

Using your test environment

Create rules in a production environment first, but leave them set to Inactive. Then, refresh the test environment to copy over any newly-created rules.

Once new rules have been copied over to the test environment, set them to Active there and begin testing by running retroactive refreshes on qualifying records.

Once rules have thoroughly been tested in the test environment, replicate any changes to these rules in the production environment and set their statuses to Active.

đź“– For more information, see Test Environments.

đź“ť Note: Checklist rules only work on active application rounds

  • Checklist rules only run on applications that are in an active application Period.

  • While the application Round can be either active or inactive (depending on the nature of your process) without impacting checklist functionality, the application period must be active.

  • This setting prevents checklist rules from firing on previous or historical applications, effectively preserving those checklists as they were at the time their application period was inactivated.

Creating a checklist rule

To create a checklist rule:

  1. Select Database from the main navigation.

  2. Under Automations, select Rules.

  3. Select New Rule. The Edit Details popup appears.

  4. Configure the following settings:

    • Name: Give the rule an appropriate descriptive name. Consider using the same formatting for the name of all your checklist rules so it is easy to determine which item or group is assigned.

    • Type: Configurable Joins

    • Category: Records

    • Base: Application

    • Rule Type: Checklist

    • Rule Trigger: Upon Update (Deferred)

    • Folder: Using folders is highly recommended for good organization. For checklist rules, a recommended folder is "Checklists." If desired, selecting Other opens a new field to name and create a new. Subfolders can be used to further separate out checklist rules by process in a shared instance.

    • Exclusivity Group: N/A. Checklist rules should not be assigned an Exclusivity Group.

    • Status: Preview

  5. Click Save. You’re redirected tot he Edit Rule page.

Configuring rule filters

Create filters to capture records that qualify for this checklist rule.

Let’s say you have a checklist group called International. All international applicants should be assigned to this group.

To do so, you might construct a rule like this:

  • Join: Person

  • Filter: Person / Citizenship Status IN Foreign National

Configuring the rule action

  • From the Checklist list, select Checklist Group.

  • From the Group list, select International.

Activating the rule

With the rule configured to our liking, select Edit, then set the Status to Active.

Every time an applicant’s citizenship status is set to foreign national, the International checklist group is added to their checklist. If their citizenship status is changed, the group will be removed from their checklist the next time the applicant runs through the rules.

Assigning a checklist item individually

To assign a checklist item individually:

  1. Select it from the Checklist list.

  2. To assign a group, select Checklist Group from the initial list.

  3. Select the group from the additional list that appears.

School-Scoped Checklist Rules

In the previous section, we saw rules that assign a single checklist item to the qualifying application record.

By contrast, school-scoped checklist items are added to an application record as many times as there are qualifying schools.

Applicants see school-scoped checklist items on their checklists with the checklist item name, “Transcript,” and, in parentheses, the name of the school they fulfill.

Only a school-scoped material associated with that school record will fulfill the transcript checklist item.

School-scoped checklist items cannot be added to checklist groups. Each school-scoped checklist item must be assigned individually, with at least one rule for each school-scoped checklist item.

Configuring school-scoped checklist rules

Special rule configurations exist to determine which records and which schools qualify for school-scoped checklist rules.

When qualifying schools are added to a record, or removed from the record, updates are reflected on the checklist item the next time the record runs through the rules.

When creating a new checklist rule and selecting a school-scoped checklist item, you can still determine which applicants qualify for the item. However, the actions for the rule will also expand to establish the parameters for which schools should qualify for the item assigned.

Level of Study Restriction

If an item should only be added to an applicant's checklist when a school of a particular level of study exists, set that restriction here. For example, if the item should only be added to a checklist when schools with a level of study of "high school" are provided, then select high school for this setting. See Filtering on degree types and levels of study below.

Limit by Degree

If an item should only be added when an applicant adds a school with a degree, select Schools with a degree only. If the item should be added regardless of whether a degree is provided or not, select All degrees (including no degree).

Degree Restriction

Only appears when Limit by Degree is set to Schools with a degree only. In this setting, set the particular degree restriction. If any degree is acceptable, set to School has any degree. However, if a specific degree is required, select the corresponding degree from the list. For example, if the item should only be added for schools where a Bachelors Degree was earned, select Bachelors Degree from the list.

Rank Restriction

If an item should be added only when schools of a certain rank are provided, set that restriction here. Options include: schools of any rank, rank 1 overall school only, and rank 1 schools only.

Filtering on degree types and levels of study

You must create prompt values if you want to filter by degree types or levels of study in checklist rules.

There must be at least one prompt item associated with the following prompt keys:


Adding a prompt with the key of degree lets you filter on the degree of bachelors degree.

For example, key: degree, value: “Bachelors Degree”


Adding a prompt with the key of school_type lets you filter on the level of study of high school.

For example, key: school_type, value: “High School”

đź“– Further reading

For more information on how to create prompts, refer to the Fields and Prompts article.

For examples of school-scoped checklist rules, see School-Scoped Checklist Rule Examples.

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