Slate Scholar Classroom
  • 17 Nov 2023
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Slate Scholar Classroom

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Article summary

Slate Scholar Classroom allows the building of courses or tutorials that can be used for group or self-guided training. Each course is made up of lessons that can take the user to a specific page in Slates and displays content that describes that page or guides them through a task there. The only way to access Classroom and edit the content is through the Slate Scholar Lightbulb    in the top left corner.

Accessing Classroom

  1. Select the Slate Scholar Lightbulb on the upper-left corner of any page in Slate.

    Light Bulb

  2. Slate Scholar Classroom appears at the top of the sidebar. If any courses exist, they will appear in the resulting list.

  3. To begin taking a course, select a course from the list, and then select the first lesson. Move through the lessons using the lesson list or the forward/back blue arrows. The keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-Shift-Left Arrow or Ctrl-Shift-Right Arrow may also be used.

  4. To exit Classroom, unselect the lesson or the course and select the Lightbulb icon. If the lesson or course is not unselected, Classroom will continue to display when navigating to another page.

Creating Classroom Content

To Create a New Course:

  1. Select the mceclip3__8_.png icon.

  2. Enter the following settings:




    Only Active courses will display in Classroom.


    The title will display in the course selection drop-down, so it should be descriptive, but not more than approximately 50 characters.


    Used internally only.

    Course Introduction

    Formatted text and links that will appear at the top of the course information for every lesson. May be useful as a description of overall goals, or links to resources that will be used throughout. The description is often left blank.

To Create a New Lesson

  1. Select the mceclip4.png icon.

  2. Enter the following settings:




    Only Active lessons will display in the selected course.


    Select the course to which the lesson belongs.


    The title will display in the course selection drop-down, so it should be descriptive, but not more than approximately 50 characters.


    An Integer (1, 2, 3...) to indicate where in the course the lesson should appear.

    Target Page

    The Slate page (e.g. /manage/deliver) to display when the lesson begins. If the target page is blank, the lesson will display new content but remain on the current page. Leave blank if the lesson continues from the current page.

    Lesson Content

    Formatted text and links that will appear for this lesson. 

Editing Classroom Content

Editing Existing Classroom Content:

  1. Select the desired course and lesson.


  2. To edit a course, select the 1.png icon.

  3. To edit a lesson, select the 2.png icon.

  4. To add a new lesson to the selected course, select the 3.png icon.

Can Classroom contain call-out boxes like this?

Yes! When creating lessons in Classroom, users can use the WYSIWYG editor or the Source to add HTML content, including tables, styles, images, and even GIFs!

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