Importing CommonApp Documents
  • 18 Jan 2024
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Importing CommonApp Documents

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Article summary

The CommonAppMaterials Source Format allows you to select the specific materials that the file types should be saved as in Slate. Since this document feed is run via a global background process, you will not see a "record count" appear for this Source Format—this is normal. PDFs will import automatically once the associate application record has been created via the CommonApp source format data import.

Do not modify any default Format Definition or Import Automation settings. For example, the "Import Path/Mask" field should remain blank for this source format to function properly.

Remapping the File

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Source Formats.

  2. Find the CommonAppMaterials Source Format and select Remap to confirm destinations and to set up value mappings for this Source Format.

  3. Go to the Value Mappings page.

Are there data points?

The CommonApp Materials Source Format does not contain data points to map. This source format is only used as a translation table to match incoming document types with material types in Slate.

Setting up Value Mappings

Specify the material destination value in Slate for the types of Common Application PDFs. 


Set up your CommonApp materials in a one-to-one relationship with a distinct material type in Slate. The Common App materials are mapped to a Person/Application scoped material in Slate. Optionally, the ST-School Report Transcript can be mapped to a school-scoped transcript.

Note: Only the CommonApp ST-School Report Transcript can be mapped to school-scoped materials. You should map all other materials to Person/Application-scoped materials in Slate. Important: If mapping to a school-scoped material from the ST-School Report Transcript document, ensure the CommonAppRecommendations source format is Active; the CEEB code from these data files is used to ensure the appropriate school-scoped match. No custom mappings are required and the "Remap Active" setting can remain Inactive; however, the source format should remain Active to ensure proper school-scoped matching. 

There is no way to refresh previously uploaded documents retroactively. They will continue to be associated with the original material type.

You can consolidate some Common App materials into one material type in Slate. For example, various Common App Materials could be categorized as Transcript in Slate. However, there is no way to refresh this if mappings are changed later retroactively.

Not Seeing These Materials on Student Records?

Unmapped documents will sit in the queue. If you map an additional file type to a Slate material, those documents will come into Slate during the following material import process.

If you are still looking for PDF materials for your applicant records in Slate, ensure you have them mapped to a Slate material.

Additionally, Common App Materials will only begin to display once the CommonApp file - the applications file - has been activated (the remap active flag is set to active) and an application has been created for a record. Once the application associated with a material is created, the material import process will associate those materials with the application. In addition, the CommonAppMaterials source format will need to have the active status set to active.

The Common App Materials are matched to the application record in Slate with the app-scoped Common App ID.   This ID is mapped from the Slate Common App ID field in the CommonAppApplications source format as outlined in the Common Applications documentation. The materials will not be imported if this mapping has been removed or adjusted.

If you are mapping the ST-School Transcript to a school-scoped material, and a school match cannot be made, the unmatched transcripts will be moved to Batch Acquire for manual processing.

Common App materials are imported by a script and will only be imported between 2:30 and 10:30 AM. Additionally, materials are not imported into the Test Environment.

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