- 31 Jan 2025
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The Source Format Library
- Updated 31 Jan 2025
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A source format is a collection of standardized settings and criteria for a dataset uploaded frequently from the same source. The Source Format Library offers predefined integration configurations for many common data sources. Most require little or no customization.
Slate features more than 170 unique source formats, with more being added continuously. When you embark on a new integration with a third-party service, check for a standard source format in the Source Format Library, using the search bar to narrow the list down.
To access the Slate Source Format Library:
From the main navigation, select Database.
Under Import and Data Processing, select Source Format Library.
If you don't see the third-party you're looking for in the list, you can take the first step to creating a new integration by making a custom source format.
📝 Source formats that import test score data require the corresponding test objects to be added from the Slate Template Library.
Source Format Library items with descriptions
We've recreated the list of source formats and included descriptions for each, as well as links to relevant documentation, in this article. Some source formats in the Source Format Library have multiple versions, usually an active version along with deprecated versions from previous years. This article contains only the most recent version. The Source Format with the most recent "remap as of date" is the current version.
Name | Description |
AC&U |
ACT Enroll |
ACT Score Data File |
ACT Search List (Fixed Width) | Import fixed-width files containing search data from ACT. |
Akero Import (CSV) | This source format will import new Akero leads. |
All CAS by Liaison - Applications (CSV) | This source format will import application data from Liaison's CAS API subscription. |
All CAS by Liaison - Coursework (JSON) | This source format will import course data from Liaison's CAS API subscription. |
All CAS by Liaison - Documents | This source format is used in conjunction with the All CAS by Liaison - Applications source format to import PDFs delivered by Liaison as part of the integration. |
All CAS by Liaison - In Progress Applications (CSV) | This source format will import in-progress application data from Liaison's CAS API subscription. |
AP Score Data File |
AP Score Data File |
Appily (CSV) |
CampusESP - Data Import (CSV) | This source format will import files from CampusESP. |
Cappex (CSV (>2016)) |
Capture Higher Ed: New Inquiries (CSV) | This source format will import the New Inquiries file from Capture Higher Ed. |
Capture Higher Ed: Weekly Updates (CSV) | This source format will import the Weekly Updates file from Capture Higher Ed. |
Carnegie CollegeXpress Domestic (formerly PC&U) (CSV) | Import the files containing leads from Carnegie CollegeXpress Domestic data. |
Carnegie CollegeXpress International (formerly AC&U) (CSV) | Import the files containing leads from Carnegie CollegeXpress international data. |
CGSM Applications Data File | Import comma-delimited files containing application data from the Consortium in Graduate Study in Management |
CGSM Applications PDF Bundle | Import application PDF files from the Consortium in Graduate Study in Management |
CGSM Recommendations PDF Bundle | Import recommendation PDF files from the Consortium in Graduate Study in Management |
Checklist Import (Financial Aid) | Import tab-delimited financial aid checklist files |
CoalitionApplicationCourses (JSON) | Import course and grade data from the from the Coalition application via the Scoir integration |
CoalitionApplicationProfile (JSON) | Import the application data from the Coalition application via the Scoir integration |
College Board Landscape (TAB) | Import Landscape data from the College Board. |
College Board Secondary Schools | Import fixed-width data from the College Board Selection service
College Board Secondary Schools | Import fixed-width Secondary School data from the College Board. |
College Week Live | Import excel spreadsheet data files from College Week Live |
CommonApp | Import tab-delimited application data files from the Common Application |
CommonAppCourses | Import XML course data from the Common Application |
CommonAppMaterials | Import PDF materials from the Common Application |
CommonAppPayment | Import tab-delimited payment data files from the Common Application |
CommonAppProspects | Import tab-delimited prospect data files from the Common Application |
CommonAppRecommendations | Import tab-delimited recommendation data files from the Common Application |
CommonAppSuspects | Import tab-delimited suspect data files from the Common Application |
CommonAppWriting | Import tab-delimited writing supplement data files from the Common Application |
Document Import Processor |
Document Import Processor (CSV) |
Document Import to Batch Acquire | Import PDF documents directly to Batch Acquire |
DonorSearch Wealth Screening (CSV) | Use this source format to import screened record data from DonorSearch as DonorSearch research data. |
Duolingo English Test (JSON) | Import Duolingo English Test score and video endpoints using an API Call |
Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE) (DIP) | |
Educational Perspectives (DIP) | Import academic credentials received through Educational Perspectives. |
Encoura (CSV) |
eShipGlobal UEMS (JSON)
| This source format enables importing data from eShipGlobal UEMS. |
Field Import | Use this source format to bulk create and update fields. |
Financial Aid Letter PDF Batch | Import multiple financial aid PDF letters using a single PDF file |
Front Rush | |
Front Rush Interactions (JSON) | Import interaction JSON files from Front Rush |
Front Rush Materials | Import material PDF files from Front Rush |
GatewayToPrepCandidateProfile | Import comma-delimited Candidate Profile data files from Gateway to Prep |
GatewayToPrepCandidateProject | Import comma-delimited Candidate Project data files from Gateway to Prep |
GatewayToPrepMaterials | Import PDF material files from the Gateway to Prep application. |
GMAT Online Exam Score Data File | Import GMAT csv data files from the GMAT online exam. This format only applies to the online exams with remote proctoring as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The existing fixed-width file is still necessary to import test score data from any exams taken at a designated testing center. |
GMAT Score Data File (CSV 2023) | Import comma-delimited GMAT score data files from Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). The source format is effective 9/25/2023. There is a new GMAT Focus Edition test that can be added from the Slate Template Library. |
GMAT Score Data File | Import fixed-width GMAT data file from Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). The source format is effective from 1/2023 to 9/2023. |
GRE Score Data File | Import PGP encrypted fixed-width GRE data files from Educational Testing Service (ETS) |
GRE Score Data File | Import fixed-width GRE data files from Educational Testing Service (ETS) |
GRE Search List | Import comma-delimited value GRE Search List data file from Educational Testing Service (ETS) |
IELTS Results Service, New Results | Import comma-delimited IELTS score data files from the IELTS Results Service |
IELTS Score Data File | Import comma-delimited IELTS score data files |
InitialView | Import InitialView video urls that allow for the interview to be watched directly from within the Slate Reader. |
Interaction and Activity Import | Import interaction and activity Excel data files |
International Education Evaluations (IEE) (DIP) | This source format enables importing documents from IEE. |
iWave Wealth Screening (CSV) | Use this source format to import screened record data from iWave as iWave research data. |
Keystone Academic Solutions (XML) | Automatically import your new search records from Keystone. |
Kira Talent Interview (JSON) | Import Kira Talent interview results using Kira's API version 2 beginning July 2020. |
MaiaLearning Prospects (CSV) | Import MaiaLearning student record data. |
MaiaLearning Documents (DIP) | This source format will import MaiaLearning application documents uploaded by high school counselors on behalf of their students. |
National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) (DIP) | This source format enables importing documents from the National Student Clearinghouse as described in the Slate Scholar article. |
Niche Lead Delivery (CSV) | This source format enables importing lead data from Niche. |
Niche Prospects (CSV) | This source format enables importing prospect data from Niche. |
NRCCUA (CSV 2015) | Import comma-delimited student record data files from NRCCUA (effective 2015).
NRCCUA (Fixed Width (2014)) | Import fixed-width student record data files from NRCCUA.
Organizations Dataset Updates | Import Excel data file to update the Organizational Dataset. |
Oxford ELLT (English Language Level Test) CSV (CSV) | This source format enables importing Oxford English Language Level scores in CSV Format as described in this Knowledge Base article. |
Oxford ELLT (English Language Level Test) JSON | This source format enables importing Oxford English Language Level scores in JSON Format as described in this Knowledge Base article. |
Parchment | |
PHlthAdmit | Import Excel admit data file |
PLAN Search List | Import fixed-width search data files |
Pre-ACT EOS | Import Pre-ACT fixed-width data file from Educational Opportunity Service (EOS) |
Prompt Import | Batch create prompts via Excel data file import |
PTE Academic Score Report (CSV) | Import CSV files containing score data for PTE (Pearson Test of English) |
PTE Academic Score Report (Fixed Width) | Import fixed-width files containing score data for PTE (Pearson Test of English) |
QuestBridge CM App Materials | Import PDF material files from QuestBridge |
QuestBridge CM Applications | Import comma-delimited application data file from QuestBridge |
QuestBridge CM Prospects | Import comma-delimited prospect data file from QuestBridge |
QuestBridge CM Prospects Materials | Import PDF material files from QuestBridge |
QuestBridge CPS Applications | Import Excel application data file from QuestBridge |
QuestBridge CPS Materials | Import PDF material files from QuestBridge |
QuestBridge Graduate School Match - Materials (DIP) | Import QuestBridge College Match MBA application materials. |
QuestBridge Graduate School Match - MBA Applications (CSV) | import QuestBridge College Match MBA application data. |
Redesigned SAT Score Data File | Import fixed-width redesigned SAT score data files beginning August 2015. |
Redesigned SAT Score Data File (PGP) | Import PGP-encrypted redesigned SAT score data file |
Royall App Materials | Import PDF application material files from EAB/Royall |
Royall App Responder | Import tab-delimited application responder data file from EAB/Royall |
Royall App Responder Payment | Import tab-delimited application responder payment data file from EAB/Royall |
Royall Deposit IQ (Tab) | Import tab-delimited Deposit IQ files from EAB/Royall |
Royall Follow Up File (CSV) | Import comma-delimited Follow Up files from EAB/Royall |
Royall Search Responder | Import tab-delimited search responder data file from EAB/Royall |
Royall Search Responder | Import comma-delimited search responder data file from EAB/Royall |
SAT Essays PDF |
SAT Score Data File |
SCOIR (CSV) | Import comma-delimited files from SCOIR |
SCOIRMaterials (DIP) | Import PDF materials from SCOIR |
Secondary School Admission Test Score Data File | Import comma-delimited SSAT score data file |
Scribbles | Importing academic credentials from Scribbles as described in this article <LINK> |
Secondary School Admission Test Score Report PDF | Import SSAT PDF test score report files. Prerequisites: Registration ID on student record & Material type. |
Segment Analysis Service Tagging | Import fixed-width Segment Analysis Service Tagging data file |
Slate.org Student Profile Data |
SpanTran (DIP) | Importing academic credentials from SpanTran as described in this Slate Scholar article. |
StandOutAppAcademicRecommendations (Tab) | Import tab-delimited StandOut Recommendation data files. |
StandOutAppApplications | Import tab-delimited StandOut Application data files. |
StandOutAppCollegeQuestions | Import tab-delimited StandOut College data files. |
StandOutAppCounselorRecommendations (Tab) | Import tab-delimited StandOut Counselor Recommendation data files. |
StandOutAppMaterials | Import StandOut Materials |
StandOutOtherRecommendations | Import tab-delimited StandOut Other Recommendation data files. |
StandOutAppProspects | Import tab-delimited StandOut Prospect data files. |
StandOutAppSuspects | Import tab-delimited StandOut Suspect data files. |
Student Search Service (Fixed Width 2022) |
Student Search Service: Living Record Data (Fixed Width) |
TOEFL Score Data File |
TransferCommonApp (Tab) | Import tab-delimited application data files from the Transfer Common Application |
TransferCommonAppInProgress (Tab) | Import tab-delimited in-progress data files from the Transfer Common Application |
TransferCommonAppMaterials | Import PDF materials from the Transfer Common Application |
TransferCommonAppPayments (Tab) | Import tab-delimited payment data files from the Transfer Common Application |
Translation Code Import | |
U.S. News Student Connect Leads | This source format will import the data delivered by U.S. News Student Connect. For more information, please refer to the U.S. News Student Connect Leads Integration documentation. |
UCA Application Supplement (CSV) | Import comma-delimited Universal College Application Supplement data files |
UCA Applications (CSV) | Import comma-delimited Universal College Application data file |
UCA Final Report (CSV) | Import comma-delimited Universal College Application Final Report data files |
UCA Materials | Import PDF material files from the Universal College Application |
UCA Midyear Report (CSV) | Import comma-delimited Universal College Application Midyear Report data files |
UCA Payments (CSV) | Import comma-delimited Universal College Application Payment data files |
UCA Recommendations (CSV) | Import comma-delimited Universal College Application Recommendation data files |
UCA School Report (CSV) | Import comma-delimited Universal College Application School Report data files |
User Permissions Update | |
Vericant (DIP) | Import comma-delimited Vericant data file using the DIP import process |
VidCruiter (JSON) | Import JSON files from VidCruiter |
Whiteboard | This source format enables importing data from Whiteboard as described in the Whiteboard Higher Education Integration article. |
World Education Services (DIP) | |
ZeeMee | This source format can be used to import data from ZeeMee. |
Zinch (Tab) | Import tab-delimited Zinch data file |