User Permission Request
  • 25 Mar 2024
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User Permission Request

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Article summary

Summit 2023 Feature

When a user attempts to access a function that they are not permitted to access, Slate denies them and displays a Forbidden error page that includes a link to appeal the denial and request access.

User Perspective

When a user encounters a Forbidden error condition, Slate displays a message to describe the denial, along with a link to appeal the denial. To make the appeal:

  1. Click the Request Access link. A Request Access popup appears.

  2. Enter an explanation for the request in the Reason for Request field.

  3. Click Submit. The Forbidden page is updated to indicate that your request has been submitted.

The system records the request date and time, the user account making the request, the requested page, and the required authorization.

Administrator Perspective

Security Administrators may review access requests and update the user's access if appropriate. To perform the update:

  1. Click Database on the Slate navigation bar, and in the Users & Access section, select User Permissions. The Active Users page appears.

  2. Click the Access Requests link on the right side of the page. The Access Requests page appears with a list of current requests filtered by status (pending, in progress, completed, or rejected).

  3. To manage a request, click the request in the list. A Request Access popup appears. The popup provides the user name and links to assist in managing the user and viewing the requested page (including an impersonated view). 

  4. Click the link with user's name. A popup opens to edit the user's record.

  5. Click the Permissions tab and change the appropriate permissions by selecting the checkbox next to the permission name.

  6. Click Save to update the user's permissions.

  7. Set the Status of the request to the desired value from the list.


    This step only sets the status of the request, not the user's permissions.

  8. Enter additional information regarding the request in the Notes area.

  9. Click Save.

Disabling the Permission Request Feature

If desired, this feature can be disabled to prevent admins from dealing with inappropriate requests.

  1. Click Database on the Slate navigation bar, and in the Configurations area, select Configuration Keys. The Configuration Keys summary page appears.

  2. In the Security & SSO Settings area, click Enable Permission Requests. An Edit Enable Permission Requests popup appears.

  3. Set the value for Enable Permission Requests to Disabled.

  4. Click Save.


If the permission request feature is desired in the future, repeat Steps 1 and 2 in the previous procedure, but for Step 3, set the value for Enable Permission Requests to Enabled (Default Behavior) and click Save.

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