Voice Snippets
  • 03 Apr 2024
  • 1 minute read
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Voice Snippets

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Article summary

Voice Snippets extends the snippet tool beyond email and SMS messaging into voice messages. C reate a snippet as you normally would, but select Slate Voice as the method. You can create personal snippets or share them in your organization before crafting your message.

Create a Voice Snippet

To create a voice snippet for a specific user, a specific role, or for anyone in Inbox:

  1. Click Inbox in the top navigation bar. The Inbox tool appears.

  2. Click the Snippets Icon on the right side of the page. The Snippets page appears.

    Snippet Icon
  3. Click New Snippet. A New Snippet popup appears.

    New Snippet
  4. Enter the following configuration in the popup window:

  • Folder: Select an existing folder or select Other and enter a new folder name to create.

  • Name:  Give the Snippet a descriptive name

  • Method: Choose Slate Voice as the method

  • Sharing (optional): Select to enable the setting of permissions for the recorded snippet.

  • Description (optional): Provide a brief description of the snippet.

Recording a Snippet Message

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  1. Click the microphone icon to enter recording mode.

    Edit Snippet Screen Microphone Icon

  2. Click the Record icon to begin recording a message.

    Edit Snippet Screen Record Icon

  3. Click the Stop icon to stop recording.

    Edit Snippet Screen Stop Icon

  4. Click Save to the snippet.

  5. If you selected the Sharing option, an Edit Permissions popup appears. Click Edit Grantee to manage the permissions for the snippet. All users (or those with granted permission) can access the snippet during any inbound or outbound call.

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1. Click the microphone icon to begin recording your message. The microphone icon changes to a round "record" icon.

Microphone Icon

2. Click the "record" icon to start recording the message. The round "record" icon changes to a square "stop" icon.

Record Icon

3. After your message, click the "stop" icon to end the recording. The "stop" icon changes to the round "record" icon, and a playback tool appears, enabling you to review the recorded message.

Stop Icon

4. Click Save to save the snippet.

Save Button

5. If you selected the Sharing option, an Edit Permissions popup appears. Click Edit Grantee to manage the permissions for the snippet. All users (or those with granted permission) can access the snippet during any inbound or outbound call.

Edit Grantee Link

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