Workflows (Legacy)
  • 18 Mar 2024
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Workflows (Legacy)

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The procedures described in this article follow a legacy process. Refer to this article only for general concepts; follow the procedures described in the Workflows article when creating new workflows. Workflows created using the legacy process cannot be managed using the Workflows (New) tool and vice versa.

Article summary

Workflows allow a single application to travel through multiple, separate reading processes simultaneously. The original Reader can be thought of as the "default" workflow. This is where the majority of the work will be done and where applications will receive their admission review. 


An additional workflow may be useful if a secondary process exists that is separate and simultaneous to the primary reading process. Examples include:

  • A scholarship review - whereby an application may have a separate review process from its admission decision review process and may happen at any point in the primary reading process. No matter whether the primary application is in Read 1, Read 2, Committee, or Decided, the scholarship review process may be taking place simultaneously.

  • An I-20 documents review - whereby a different team of reviewers needs to review only the international documents separate from the primary reading process.

Tip - When to avoid an additional workflow

For the sake of simplicity, consistency, transparency, and security, avoid the additional workflow if it's possible to complete the review within the existing default workflow. For example:

  • A scholarship review whereby an application is reviewed for a scholarship after it has received an admission decision. This review would simply be an extension of the default workflow instead of a separate and simultaneous review.

  • An I-20 documents review whereby the documents were reviewed after an admission decision but before final committee review. In this scenario adding a new bin to the existing default workflow would be simpler.

🔔 Important!

Each workflow would need its own set of Reader Bins, Reader Tab Groups, Reader Tab Materials, and Reader Review Forms. Ultimately, the decision to create a new workflow is a matter of weighing the benefits of added functionality against the complexity of multiple workflows.

Make a Workflow

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Workflows.

  2. Click Insert.

  3. Enter the following user configurations in the popup window:

    • Status - Set to Active.

    • Name - The human-friendly name of this workflow.

    • Base - Select a query base. 

    • Custom Permission - We recommend Application Lookup to match the default admission workflow, but it can also be set to a custom permission to limit access.

Workflows for other Datasets 

By default, the only base option available will be 'Applications.'

Workflows can be created for other datasets, such as Prospects or Organizations, by:

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Query Bases.

  2. Select the appropriate query base.

  3. Toggle the 'Enable Reader' setting to Yes.

Create Workflow Bins

  1. Click Database in the top navigation bar and select Reader Bins.

  2. Click Insert.

  3. Enter the following User configurations in the popup window:

    • Workflow - Associate the new bin to an existing workflow.

    • Status - Set to Active.

    • Grouping - (Optional) Adding Groupings will add a blue header to the top of a Reader bin structure to separate bin structures.

    • Order - The order the bins should appear from 1-999.

    • Column - The name of the column this bin is in. This value should be identical for all bins in the same column.

    • Name - The name of this specific bin.

    • Next Bin Insert - Select all possible bins a reader may select to send the application to upon submitting the reader review form.

    • Next Bin Default - Of the possible bins, select the next bin that should be pre-selected, if any.

  4. Repeat steps 2-3 for any other bins that will exist in a given workflow.

Once the workflows have been created, they will appear and can be accessed by Reader.


Adding Applications to Workflow Bins

Manually adding Applications to Workflows

  1. Click Lookup in the top navigation bar and search for a record

  2. Select Workflows in the right hand navigation bar.

  3. Click Edit next to the appropriate workflow.

  4. Select the 'Bin' and reader queue using Add Reader.

    The application will then display in the workflow:


Use Automation to Add Applications to Workflows

Adding automation to Workflows is identical to the process of adding automation to a default reader structure. To add automation to custom Workflows, select the appropriate Workflow from the 'Workflow' dropdown setting within a bin type rule.

Read Applications in Workflows

  1. Click Reader in the top navigation bar.

  2. Select the appropriate workflow.

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